

A02B-0281-C072 FANUC 16I-MB 10.4'' FA-LCD UNIT CNC

The equipment with type Pupitre opérateur is manufactured by FANUC and commercialized under the reference A02B-0281-C072.The equipment alternative reference is : A02B0281C072. This product comes from the FANUC 16I-MB range. We guarantee the equipment in all the services offered for 12 months.

Reference : A02B-0281-C072
Alternative reference : A02B0281C072
Brand : FANUC
Range : FANUC 16I-MB
Category : HMI / Display > Operator's panel

Also discover our entire FANUC 16I-MB range for the FANUC brand

The part reference A02B-0281-C072 or A02B0281C072 from the FANUC brand from the FANUC 16I-MB range is available quickly and guaranteed for 12 months on our site.

Warning, only 1 left

12 months guarantee

PLSWISS SA is not an authorised distributor FANUC.


The references, brands and logos used are the property of their respective owners.

The representation, description or sale of the products bearing these references, trademarks or logos is for identification purposes only.

They are not intended to indicate any affiliation with or authorization by any rights holder.



Payment due date is 30 days billing date.
All our transactions are secured by Banque Cantonale Vaudoise By default the payments are made in the local currency in Francs Suisse (CHF). We also accept payments in Euros (€).
Payments are made by bank transfer.


All our deliveries are provided by express transport services and will be chosen according to the type of equipment to be sent, the size and the weight of the package to be delivered. By default we work with the carrier UPS or TNT for small parcels and with TRANSPORTS VUALLIAT for pallets or cumbersome package.


All equipment that we repair or recondition according to our procedures are guaranteed for 12 months from the date of shipment.
If upon receipt of the equipment in your premises, you install it and notice a partial or total malfunction, please return it to us for urgent support. Return address of the material : PLSWISS SA - Route de l'Ancienne Papeterie - 1723 Marly - Switzerland

Revaluation - Buy back

You have unused parts, you modernize your installation? Do not throw away your equipment anymore, but propose them to us to be revalorized! 
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